/* * Copyright 2012 Chris Young <chris@unsatisfactorysoftware.co.uk> * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** \file * Font glyph scanner for Unicode substitutions. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <proto/diskfont.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/intuition.h> #include <diskfont/diskfonttag.h> #include <diskfont/oterrors.h> #include <proto/window.h> #include <proto/layout.h> #include <proto/fuelgauge.h> #include <classes/window.h> #include <gadgets/fuelgauge.h> #include <gadgets/layout.h> #include <reaction/reaction_macros.h> #include "amiga/font_scan.h" #include "amiga/gui.h" #include "amiga/object.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" enum { FS_OID_MAIN = 0, FS_GID_MAIN, FS_GID_FONTS, FS_GID_GLYPHS, FS_GID_LAST }; struct ami_font_scan_window { struct Window *win; Object *objects[FS_GID_LAST]; char *title; char *glyphtext; }; /** * Lookup a font that contains a UTF-16 codepoint * * \param code UTF-16 codepoint to lookup * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers * \return font name or NULL */ const char *ami_font_scan_lookup(uint16 *code, lwc_string **glypharray) { if(*code >= 0xd800 && *code <= 0xdbff) { /* This is a multi-byte character, we don't support falback for these yet. */ return NULL; } if(glypharray[*code] == NULL) return NULL; else return lwc_string_data(glypharray[*code]); } /** * Open GUI to show font scanning progress * * \param fonts number of fonts that are being scanned * \return pointer to a struct ami_font_scan_window */ struct ami_font_scan_window *ami_font_scan_gui_open(int32 fonts) { struct ami_font_scan_window *fsw = AllocVecTagList(sizeof(struct ami_font_scan_window), NULL); if(fsw == NULL) return NULL; fsw->title = ami_utf8_easy(messages_get("FontScanning")); fsw->glyphtext = ami_utf8_easy(messages_get("FontGlyphs")); fsw->objects[FS_OID_MAIN] = WindowObject, WA_ScreenTitle, nsscreentitle, WA_Title, fsw->title, WA_Activate, TRUE, WA_DepthGadget, TRUE, WA_DragBar, TRUE, WA_CloseGadget, FALSE, WA_SizeGadget, TRUE, WA_PubScreen, scrn, WA_BusyPointer, TRUE, WA_Width, 400, WINDOW_UserData, fsw, WINDOW_IconifyGadget, FALSE, WINDOW_Position, WPOS_CENTERSCREEN, WINDOW_LockHeight, TRUE, WINDOW_ParentGroup, fsw->objects[FS_GID_MAIN] = VGroupObject, LAYOUT_AddChild, fsw->objects[FS_GID_FONTS] = FuelGaugeObject, GA_ID, FS_GID_FONTS, GA_Text, fsw->title, FUELGAUGE_Min, 0, FUELGAUGE_Max, fonts, FUELGAUGE_Level, 0, FUELGAUGE_Ticks, 11, FUELGAUGE_ShortTicks, TRUE, FUELGAUGE_Percent, FALSE, FUELGAUGE_Justification, FGJ_CENTER, FuelGaugeEnd, CHILD_NominalSize, TRUE, CHILD_WeightedHeight, 0, LAYOUT_AddChild, fsw->objects[FS_GID_GLYPHS] = FuelGaugeObject, GA_ID, FS_GID_GLYPHS, //GA_Text, "Glyphs", FUELGAUGE_Min, 0x0000, FUELGAUGE_Max, 0xffff, FUELGAUGE_Level, 0, FUELGAUGE_Ticks,11, FUELGAUGE_ShortTicks, TRUE, FUELGAUGE_Percent, FALSE, FUELGAUGE_Justification, FGJ_CENTER, FuelGaugeEnd, CHILD_NominalSize, TRUE, CHILD_WeightedHeight, 0, EndGroup, EndWindow; fsw->win = (struct Window *)RA_OpenWindow(fsw->objects[FS_OID_MAIN]); return fsw; } /** * Update GUI showing font scanning progress * * \param win pointer to a struct ami_font_scan_window * \param font current font being scanned * \param font_num font number being scanned * \param glyphs number of unique glyphs found */ void ami_font_scan_gui_update(struct ami_font_scan_window *fsw, const char *font, ULONG font_num, ULONG glyphs) { ULONG va[2]; if(fsw) { RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((struct Gadget *)fsw->objects[FS_GID_FONTS], fsw->win, NULL, FUELGAUGE_Level, font_num, GA_Text, font, TAG_DONE); va[0] = glyphs; va[1] = 0; RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((struct Gadget *)fsw->objects[FS_GID_GLYPHS], fsw->win, NULL, GA_Text, fsw->glyphtext, FUELGAUGE_VarArgs, va, FUELGAUGE_Level, glyphs, TAG_DONE); } else { printf("Found %ld glyphs\n", glyphs); printf("Scanning font #%ld (%s)...\n", font_num, font); } } /** * Close GUI showing font scanning progress * * \param fsw pointer to a struct ami_font_scan_window */ void ami_font_scan_gui_close(struct ami_font_scan_window *fsw) { if(fsw) { DisposeObject(fsw->objects[FS_OID_MAIN]); ami_utf8_free(fsw->title); FreeVec(fsw); } } /** * Scan a font for glyphs not present in glypharray. * * \param fontname font to scan * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers * \return number of new glyphs found */ ULONG ami_font_scan_font(const char *fontname, lwc_string **glypharray) { struct OutlineFont *ofont; struct MinList *widthlist; struct GlyphWidthEntry *gwnode; ULONG foundglyphs = 0; ULONG serif = 0; lwc_error lerror; ULONG unicoderanges = 0; ofont = OpenOutlineFont(fontname, NULL, OFF_OPEN); if(!ofont) return 0; if(ESetInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_PointHeight, 10 * (1 << 16), OT_GlyphCode, 0x0000, OT_GlyphCode2, 0xffff, TAG_END) == OTERR_Success) { if(EObtainInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_WidthList, &widthlist, TAG_END) == 0) { gwnode = (struct GlyphWidthEntry *)GetHead((struct List *)widthlist); do { if(gwnode && (glypharray[gwnode->gwe_Code] == NULL)) { lerror = lwc_intern_string(fontname, strlen(fontname) - 5, &glypharray[gwnode->gwe_Code]); if(lerror != lwc_error_ok) continue; foundglyphs++; } } while(gwnode = (struct GlyphWidthEntry *)GetSucc((struct Node *)gwnode)); EReleaseInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_WidthList, widthlist, TAG_END); } } if(EObtainInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_UnicodeRanges, &unicoderanges, TAG_END) == 0) { if(unicoderanges & UCR_SURROGATES) LOG(("%s supports UTF-16 surrogates", fontname)); EReleaseInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_UnicodeRanges, unicoderanges, TAG_END); } CloseOutlineFont(ofont, NULL); return foundglyphs; } /** * Scan all fonts for glyphs. * * \param list min list * \param win scan window * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers * \return number of glyphs found */ ULONG ami_font_scan_fonts(struct MinList *list, struct ami_font_scan_window *win, lwc_string **glypharray) { ULONG found, total = 0, font_num = 0; struct nsObject *node; struct nsObject *nnode; if(IsMinListEmpty(list)) return 0; node = (struct nsObject *)GetHead((struct List *)list); do { nnode = (struct nsObject *)GetSucc((struct Node *)node); ami_font_scan_gui_update(win, node->dtz_Node.ln_Name, font_num, total); LOG(("Scanning %s", node->dtz_Node.ln_Name)); found = ami_font_scan_font(node->dtz_Node.ln_Name, glypharray); total += found; LOG(("Found %ld new glyphs (total = %ld)", found, total)); font_num++; } while(node = nnode); return total; } /** * Add OS fonts to a list. * * \param list list to add font names to * \return number of fonts found */ ULONG ami_font_scan_list(struct MinList *list) { int afShortage, afSize = 100, i; struct AvailFontsHeader *afh; struct AvailFonts *af; ULONG found = 0; struct nsObject *node; do { if(afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *)AllocVecTagList(afSize, NULL)) { if(afShortage = AvailFonts(afh, afSize, AFF_DISK | AFF_OTAG | AFF_SCALED)) { FreeVec(afh); afSize += afShortage; } } else { /* out of memory, bail out */ return 0; } } while (afShortage); if(afh) { af = (struct AvailFonts *)&(afh[1]); for(i = 0; i < afh->afh_NumEntries; i++) { if(af[i].af_Attr.ta_Style == FS_NORMAL) { if(af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name != NULL) { node = (struct nsObject *)FindIName((struct List *)list, af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name); if(node == NULL) { node = AddObject(list, AMINS_UNKNOWN); if(node) { node->dtz_Node.ln_Name = strdup(af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name); found++; LOG(("Added %s", af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name)); } } } } } FreeVec(afh); } else { return 0; } return found; } /** * Load a font glyph cache * * \param filename name of cache file to load * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers * \return number of glyphs loaded */ ULONG ami_font_scan_load(const char *filename, lwc_string **glypharray) { ULONG found = 0; BPTR fh = 0; lwc_error lerror; char buffer[256]; struct RDArgs *rargs = NULL; STRPTR template = "CODE/A,FONT/A"; long rarray[] = {0,0}; enum { A_CODE = 0, A_FONT }; rargs = AllocDosObjectTags(DOS_RDARGS, TAG_DONE); if(fh = FOpen(filename, MODE_OLDFILE, 0)) { LOG(("Loading font glyph cache from %s", filename)); while(FGets(fh, (UBYTE *)&buffer, 256) != 0) { rargs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = (char *)&buffer; rargs->RDA_Source.CS_Length = 256; rargs->RDA_Source.CS_CurChr = 0; rargs->RDA_DAList = NULL; rargs->RDA_Buffer = NULL; rargs->RDA_BufSiz = 0; rargs->RDA_ExtHelp = NULL; rargs->RDA_Flags = 0; if(ReadArgs(template, rarray, rargs)) { lerror = lwc_intern_string((const char *)rarray[A_FONT], strlen((const char *)rarray[A_FONT]), &glypharray[strtoul((const char *)rarray[A_CODE], NULL, 0)]); if(lerror != lwc_error_ok) continue; found++; } } FClose(fh); } return found; } /** * Save a font glyph cache * * \param filename name of cache file to save * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers */ void ami_font_scan_save(const char *filename, lwc_string **glypharray) { ULONG i; BPTR fh = 0; if(fh = FOpen(filename, MODE_NEWFILE, 0)) { LOG(("Writing font glyph cache to %s", filename)); FPrintf(fh, "; This file is auto-generated. To re-create the cache, delete this file.\n"); FPrintf(fh, "; This file is parsed using ReadArgs() with the following template:\n"); FPrintf(fh, "; CODE/A,FONT/A\n;\n"); for(i=0x0000; i<=0xffff; i++) { if(glypharray[i]) { FPrintf(fh, "0x%04lx \"%s\"\n", i, lwc_string_data(glypharray[i])); } } FClose(fh); } } /** * Finalise the font glyph cache. * * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers to free */ void ami_font_scan_fini(lwc_string **glypharray) { ULONG i; for(i=0x0000; i<=0xffff; i++) { if(glypharray[i]) { lwc_string_unref(glypharray[i]); glypharray[i] = NULL; } } } /** * Initialise the font glyph cache. * Reads an existing file or, if not present, generates a new cache. * * \param filename cache file to attempt to read * \param entries number of entries in list * \param force_scan force re-creation of cache * \param glypharray an array of 0xffff lwc_string pointers */ void ami_font_scan_init(const char *filename, bool force_scan, bool save, lwc_string **glypharray) { ULONG i, found = 0, entries = 0; struct MinList *list; struct nsObject *node; char *unicode_font, *csv; struct ami_font_scan_window *win = NULL; /* Ensure array zeroed */ for(i=0x0000; i<=0xffff; i++) glypharray[i] = NULL; if(force_scan == false) found = ami_font_scan_load(filename, glypharray); if(found == 0) { if(list = NewObjList()) { /* add preferred fonts list */ if(nsoption_charp(font_unicode) && (csv = strdup(nsoption_charp(font_unicode)))) { char *p; while(p = strsep(&csv, ",")) { asprintf(&unicode_font, "%s.font", p); if(unicode_font != NULL) { node = AddObject(list, AMINS_UNKNOWN); if(node) node->dtz_Node.ln_Name = unicode_font; entries++; } } free(csv); } if(nsoption_bool(font_unicode_only) == false) entries += ami_font_scan_list(list); LOG(("Found %ld fonts", entries)); win = ami_font_scan_gui_open(entries); found = ami_font_scan_fonts(list, win, glypharray); ami_font_scan_gui_close(win); FreeObjList(list); if(save == true) ami_font_scan_save(filename, glypharray); } } LOG(("Initialised with %ld glyphs", found)); }