/* * Copyright 2009 Mark Benjamin <netsurf-browser.org.MarkBenjamin@dfgh.net> * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "desktop/browser_private.h" #include "desktop/searchweb.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "gtk/toolbar.h" #include "gtk/gui.h" #include "gtk/scaffolding.h" #include "gtk/search.h" #include "gtk/theme.h" #include "gtk/throbber.h" #include "gtk/window.h" #include "gtk/compat.h" static GtkTargetEntry entry = {(char *)"nsgtk_button_data", GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP, 0}; static bool edit_mode = false; struct nsgtk_toolbar_custom_store { GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *store_buttons[PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON]; GtkWidget *widgetvbox; GtkWidget *currentbar; char numberh; /* current horizontal location while adding */ GtkBuilder *glade; /* button widgets to store */ int buttonlocations[PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON]; int currentbutton; bool fromstore; }; /* the number of buttons that fit in the width of the store window */ #define NSGTK_STORE_WIDTH 6 /* the 'standard' width of a button that makes sufficient of its label visible */ #define NSGTK_BUTTON_WIDTH 111 /* the 'standard' height of a button that fits as many toolbars as possible into the store */ #define NSGTK_BUTTON_HEIGHT 70 /* the 'normal' width of the websearch bar */ #define NSGTK_WEBSEARCH_WIDTH 150 static struct nsgtk_toolbar_custom_store store; static struct nsgtk_toolbar_custom_store *window = &store; static void nsgtk_toolbar_close(nsgtk_scaffolding *g); static void nsgtk_toolbar_window_open(nsgtk_scaffolding *g); static void nsgtk_toolbar_customization_save(nsgtk_scaffolding *g); static void nsgtk_toolbar_add_item_to_toolbar(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, int i, struct nsgtk_theme *theme); static bool nsgtk_toolbar_add_store_widget(GtkWidget *widget); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_data(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_store_return(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_action(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *drag_context, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data); gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_store_action(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_move_complete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info, guint time, gpointer data); static void nsgtk_toolbar_clear(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, guint time, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_delete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_reset(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); static gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_persist(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); static void nsgtk_toolbar_cast(nsgtk_scaffolding *g); static GtkWidget *nsgtk_toolbar_make_widget(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i, struct nsgtk_theme *theme); static void nsgtk_toolbar_set_handler(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i); static void nsgtk_toolbar_temp_connect(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i); static void nsgtk_toolbar_clear_toolbar(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); static nsgtk_toolbar_button nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location( nsgtk_scaffolding *g, int i); /** * change behaviour of scaffoldings while editing toolbar; all buttons as * well as window clicks are desensitized; then buttons in the front window * are changed to movable buttons */ void nsgtk_toolbar_customization_init(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; nsgtk_scaffolding *list = scaf_list; edit_mode = true; while (list) { g_signal_handler_block(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_window_get_layout( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), nsgtk_window_get_signalhandler( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list), NSGTK_WINDOW_SIGNAL_CLICK)); g_signal_handler_block(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_window_get_layout( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), nsgtk_window_get_signalhandler( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list), NSGTK_WINDOW_SIGNAL_REDRAW)); nsgtk_widget_override_background_color( GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_window_get_layout( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0, 0xEEEE, 0xEEEE, 0xEEEE); if (list == g) { list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(list); continue; } /* set sensitive for all gui_windows save g */ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_window( list)), FALSE); list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(list); } /* set sensitive for all of g save toolbar */ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_menu_bar(g)), FALSE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_notebook(g)), FALSE); /* set editable aspect for toolbar */ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), nsgtk_toolbar_clear_toolbar, g); nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(g); /* memorize button locations, set editable */ for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { window->buttonlocations[i] = nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i) ->location; if ((window->buttonlocations[i] == -1) || (i == URL_BAR_ITEM)) continue; gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window(GTK_TOOL_ITEM( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button), TRUE); gtk_drag_source_set(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_button( g, i)->button), GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); nsgtk_toolbar_temp_connect(g, i); } /* add move button listeners */ g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), "drag-drop", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_data), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), "drag-data-received", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_toolbar_move_complete), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), "drag-motion", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_action), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), "drag-leave", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_toolbar_clear), g); /* set data types */ gtk_drag_dest_set(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); /* open toolbar window */ nsgtk_toolbar_window_open(g); } /** * create store window */ void nsgtk_toolbar_window_open(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int x = 0, y = 0; GError* error = NULL; struct nsgtk_theme *theme = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); if (theme == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(NULL, g); return; } window->glade = gtk_builder_new(); if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file(window->glade, glade_file_location->toolbar, &error)) { g_warning ("Couldn't load builder file: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(NULL, g); free(theme); return; } gtk_builder_connect_signals(window->glade, NULL); window->window = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(window->glade, "toolbarwindow")); if (window->window == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(NULL, g); free(theme); return; } window->widgetvbox = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(window->glade, "widgetvbox")); if (window->widgetvbox == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(NULL, g); free(theme); return; } window->numberh = NSGTK_STORE_WIDTH; /* preset to width [in buttons] of */ /* store to cause creation of a new toolbar */ window->currentbutton = -1; /* load toolbuttons */ /* add toolbuttons to window */ /* set event handlers */ for (int i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { if (i == URL_BAR_ITEM) continue; window->store_buttons[i] = nsgtk_toolbar_make_widget(g, i, theme); if (window->store_buttons[i] == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); continue; } nsgtk_toolbar_add_store_widget(window->store_buttons[i]); g_signal_connect(window->store_buttons[i], "drag-data-get", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->dataplus), g); } free(theme); gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(window->window), nsgtk_scaffolding_window(g)); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window->window), messages_get( "gtkToolBarTitle")); gtk_window_set_accept_focus(GTK_WINDOW(window->window), FALSE); gtk_drag_dest_set(GTK_WIDGET(window->window), GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); gtk_widget_show_all(window->window); gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window->window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT); gtk_window_get_position(nsgtk_scaffolding_window(g), &x, &y); gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window->window), x, y + 100); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(window->glade, "cancelbutton")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(window->glade, "okbutton")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_persist), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(window->glade, "resetbutton")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_reset), g); g_signal_connect(window->window, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_delete), g); g_signal_connect(window->window, "drag-drop", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_store_return), g); g_signal_connect(window->window, "drag-motion", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_toolbar_store_action), g); } /** * when titlebar / alt-F4 window close event happens */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_delete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { edit_mode = false; nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; /* reset g->buttons->location */ for (int i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location = window->buttonlocations[i]; } nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(g); nsgtk_toolbar_connect_all(g); nsgtk_toolbar_close(g); nsgtk_scaffolding_set_sensitivity(g); gtk_widget_destroy(window->window); return TRUE; } /** * when cancel button is clicked */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_cancel_clicked(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { edit_mode = false; nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; /* reset g->buttons->location */ for (int i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location = window->buttonlocations[i]; } nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(g); nsgtk_toolbar_connect_all(g); nsgtk_toolbar_close(g); nsgtk_scaffolding_set_sensitivity(g); gtk_widget_destroy(window->window); return TRUE; } /** * when 'save settings' button is clicked */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_persist(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { edit_mode = false; nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; /* save state to file, update toolbars for all windows */ nsgtk_toolbar_customization_save(g); nsgtk_toolbar_cast(g); nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(g); nsgtk_toolbar_close(g); gtk_widget_destroy(window->window); return TRUE; } /** * when 'reload defaults' button is clicked */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_reset(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; int i; for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location = (i <= THROBBER_ITEM) ? i : -1; nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(g); for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i <= THROBBER_ITEM; i++) { if (i == URL_BAR_ITEM) continue; gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window(GTK_TOOL_ITEM( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button), TRUE); gtk_drag_source_set(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button), GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); nsgtk_toolbar_temp_connect(g, i); } return TRUE; } /** * set toolbar logical -> physical; physically visible toolbar buttons are made * to correspond to the logically stored schema in terms of location * visibility etc */ void nsgtk_toolbar_set_physical(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; struct nsgtk_theme *theme = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); if (theme == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return; } /* simplest is to clear the toolbar then reload it from memory */ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), nsgtk_toolbar_clear_toolbar, g); for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) nsgtk_toolbar_add_item_to_toolbar(g, i, theme); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g))); free(theme); } /** * cleanup code physical update of all toolbars; resensitize * \param g the 'front' scaffolding that called customize */ void nsgtk_toolbar_close(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; nsgtk_scaffolding *list = scaf_list; while (list) { struct nsgtk_theme *theme = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); if (theme == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); continue; } /* clear toolbar */ gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar( list)), nsgtk_toolbar_clear_toolbar, list); /* then add items */ for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { nsgtk_toolbar_add_item_to_toolbar(list, i, theme); } nsgtk_toolbar_connect_all(list); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar( list))); nsgtk_scaffolding_set_sensitivity(list); nsgtk_widget_override_background_color(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_window_get_layout(nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF); g_signal_handler_unblock(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_window_get_layout( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), nsgtk_window_get_signalhandler( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list), NSGTK_WINDOW_SIGNAL_CLICK)); g_signal_handler_unblock(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_window_get_layout( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))), nsgtk_window_get_signalhandler( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list), NSGTK_WINDOW_SIGNAL_REDRAW)); if ((nsgtk_get_browser_window(nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level( list))->current_content != NULL) && (hlcache_handle_get_url(nsgtk_get_browser_window( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))-> current_content) != NULL)) browser_window_refresh_url_bar( nsgtk_get_browser_window( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list)), hlcache_handle_get_url( nsgtk_get_browser_window( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))-> current_content), nsgtk_get_browser_window( nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(list))-> frag_id); if (list != g) gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_window(list)), TRUE); free(theme); list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(list); } gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_notebook(g)), TRUE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_menu_bar(g)), TRUE); /* update favicon etc */ nsgtk_scaffolding_set_top_level(nsgtk_scaffolding_top_level(g)); if (search_web_ico()) gui_window_set_search_ico(search_web_ico()); } /** * callback function to iterate toolbar's widgets */ void nsgtk_toolbar_clear_toolbar(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), widget); } /** * add item to toolbar * \param g the scaffolding whose toolbar an item is added to * \param i the location in the toolbar * the function should be called, when multiple items are being added, * in ascending order */ void nsgtk_toolbar_add_item_to_toolbar(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, int i, struct nsgtk_theme *theme) { int q; for (q = BACK_BUTTON; q < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; q++) if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->location == i) { nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->button = GTK_TOOL_ITEM( nsgtk_toolbar_make_widget(g, q, theme)); gtk_toolbar_insert(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g), nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->button, i); break; } } /** * physically add widgets to store window */ bool nsgtk_toolbar_add_store_widget(GtkWidget *widget) { if (window->numberh >= NSGTK_STORE_WIDTH) { window->currentbar = gtk_toolbar_new(); if (window->currentbar == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } gtk_toolbar_set_style(GTK_TOOLBAR(window->currentbar), GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH); gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size(GTK_TOOLBAR(window->currentbar), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(window->widgetvbox), window->currentbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); window->numberh = 0; } gtk_widget_set_size_request(widget, NSGTK_BUTTON_WIDTH, NSGTK_BUTTON_HEIGHT); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(window->currentbar), GTK_TOOL_ITEM( widget), window->numberh++); gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window(GTK_TOOL_ITEM(widget), TRUE); gtk_drag_source_set(widget, GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); gtk_widget_show_all(window->window); return true; } /** * called when a widget is dropped onto the toolbar */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_data(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data) { nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; int ind = gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g), x, y); int q, i; if (window->currentbutton == -1) return TRUE; struct nsgtk_theme *theme = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); if (theme == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return TRUE; } if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->location != -1) { /* widget was already in the toolbar; so replace */ if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)-> location < ind) ind--; gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER( nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button)); /* 'move' all widgets further right than the original location, * one place to the left in logical schema */ for (i = nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)-> location + 1; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { q = nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location(g, i); if (q == -1) continue; nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->location--; } nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)-> location = -1; } nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button = GTK_TOOL_ITEM(nsgtk_toolbar_make_widget(g, window->currentbutton, theme)); free(theme); if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return TRUE; } /* update logical schema */ nsgtk_scaffolding_reset_offset(g); /* 'move' all widgets further right than the new location, one place to * the right in logical schema */ for (i = PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON - 1; i >= ind; i--) { q = nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location(g, i); if (q == -1) continue; nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->location++; } nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->location = ind; /* complete action */ gtk_toolbar_insert(nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g), nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button, ind); gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window(GTK_TOOL_ITEM( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button), TRUE); gtk_drag_source_set(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button), GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY); nsgtk_toolbar_temp_connect(g, window->currentbutton); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button)); window->currentbutton = -1; return TRUE; } /** * connected to toolbutton drop; perhaps one day it'll work properly so it may * replace the global current_button */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_move_complete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info, guint time, gpointer data) { return FALSE; } /** * called when a widget is dropped onto the store window */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_store_return(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data) { nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; int q, i; if ((window->fromstore) || (window->currentbutton == -1)) { window->currentbutton = -1; return FALSE; } if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->location != -1) { /* 'move' all widgets further right, one place to the left * in logical schema */ for (i = nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)-> location + 1; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { q = nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location(g, i); if (q == -1) continue; nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->location--; } gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER( nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g)), GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->button)); nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, window->currentbutton)->location = -1; } window->currentbutton = -1; gtk_drag_finish(gdc, TRUE, TRUE, time); return FALSE; } /** * called when hovering an item above the toolbar */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_action(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data) { nsgtk_scaffolding *g = (nsgtk_scaffolding *)data; GtkToolItem *item = gtk_tool_button_new(NULL, NULL); if (item != NULL) gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item( nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g), GTK_TOOL_ITEM(item), gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index( nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar(g), x, y)); return FALSE; } /** * called when hovering above the store */ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_store_action(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer data) { return FALSE; } /** * called when hovering stops */ void nsgtk_toolbar_clear(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *gdc, guint time, gpointer data) { gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item(GTK_TOOLBAR(widget), NULL, 0); } /** * widget factory for creation of toolbar item widgets * \param g the reference scaffolding * \param i the id of the widget * \param theme the theme to make the widgets from */ GtkWidget *nsgtk_toolbar_make_widget(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i, struct nsgtk_theme *theme) { switch(i) { /* gtk_tool_button_new() accepts NULL args */ #define MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(p, q) case p##_BUTTON: {\ GtkStockItem item;\ char *label = NULL;\ gtk_stock_lookup(#q, &item);\ if (item.label != NULL)\ label = remove_underscores(item.label, false);\ GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(GTK_WIDGET(\ theme->image[p##_BUTTON]), label));\ if (label != NULL) {\ free(label);\ label = NULL;\ }\ return w;\ } MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(HOME, gtk-home) MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(BACK, gtk-go-back) MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(FORWARD, gtk-go-forward) MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(STOP, gtk-stop) MAKE_STOCKBUTTON(RELOAD, gtk-refresh) #undef MAKE_STOCKBUTTON case HISTORY_BUTTON: return GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(GTK_WIDGET( theme->image[HISTORY_BUTTON]), "")); case URL_BAR_ITEM: { GtkWidget *entry = nsgtk_entry_new(); GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_item_new()); if ((entry == NULL) || (w == NULL)) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } nsgtk_entry_set_icon_from_pixbuf(entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, favicon_pixbuf); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(w), entry); gtk_tool_item_set_expand(GTK_TOOL_ITEM(w), TRUE); return w; } case THROBBER_ITEM: { if (edit_mode) return GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(GTK_WIDGET( gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf( nsgtk_throbber->framedata[0])), "[throbber]")); if ((nsgtk_throbber == NULL) || (nsgtk_throbber->framedata == NULL) || (nsgtk_throbber->framedata[0] == NULL)) return NULL; GtkWidget *image = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf( nsgtk_throbber->framedata[0])); GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_item_new()); GtkWidget *al = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1)); if ((w == NULL) || (al == NULL)) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } gtk_alignment_set_padding(GTK_ALIGNMENT(al), 0, 0, 3, 3); if (image != NULL) gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(al), image); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(w), al); return w; } case WEBSEARCH_ITEM: { if (edit_mode) return GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(GTK_WIDGET( gtk_image_new_from_stock("gtk-find", GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)), "[websearch]")); GtkWidget *entry = nsgtk_entry_new(); GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_item_new()); if ((entry == NULL) || (w == NULL)) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } gtk_widget_set_size_request(entry, NSGTK_WEBSEARCH_WIDTH, -1); nsgtk_entry_set_icon_from_stock(entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY, "gtk-info"); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(w), entry); return w; } /* gtk_tool_button_new accepts NULL args */ #define MAKE_MENUBUTTON(p, q) case p##_BUTTON: {\ char *label = NULL;\ label = remove_underscores(messages_get(#q), false);\ GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_tool_button_new(GTK_WIDGET(\ theme->image[p##_BUTTON]), label));\ if (label != NULL)\ free(label);\ return w;\ } MAKE_MENUBUTTON(NEWWINDOW, gtkNewWindow) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(NEWTAB, gtkNewTab) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(OPENFILE, gtkOpenFile) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(CLOSETAB, gtkCloseTab) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(CLOSEWINDOW, gtkCloseWindow) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SAVEPAGE, gtkSavePage) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PRINTPREVIEW, gtkPrintPreview) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PRINT, gtkPrint) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(QUIT, gtkQuitMenu) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(CUT, gtkCut) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(COPY, gtkCopy) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PASTE, gtkPaste) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(DELETE, gtkDelete) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SELECTALL, gtkSelectAll) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PREFERENCES, gtkPreferences) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(ZOOMPLUS, gtkZoomPlus) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(ZOOMMINUS, gtkZoomMinus) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(ZOOMNORMAL, gtkZoomNormal) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(FULLSCREEN, gtkFullScreen) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(VIEWSOURCE, gtkViewSource) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(CONTENTS, gtkContents) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(ABOUT, gtkAbout) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PDF, gtkPDF) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PLAINTEXT, gtkPlainText) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(DRAWFILE, gtkDrawFile) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(POSTSCRIPT, gtkPostScript) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(FIND, gtkFind) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(DOWNLOADS, gtkDownloads) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SAVEWINDOWSIZE, gtkSaveWindowSize) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(TOGGLEDEBUGGING, gtkToggleDebugging) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SAVEBOXTREE, gtkSaveBoxTree) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SAVEDOMTREE, gtkSaveDomTree) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(LOCALHISTORY, gtkLocalHistory) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(GLOBALHISTORY, gtkGlobalHistory) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(ADDBOOKMARKS, gtkAddBookMarks) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SHOWBOOKMARKS, gtkShowBookMarks) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(SHOWCOOKIES, gtkShowCookies) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(OPENLOCATION, gtkOpenLocation) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(NEXTTAB, gtkNextTab) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(PREVTAB, gtkPrevTab) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(GUIDE, gtkGuide) MAKE_MENUBUTTON(INFO, gtkUserInformation) default: return NULL; #undef MAKE_MENUBUTTON } } /** * \return toolbar item id when a widget is an element of the scaffolding * else -1 */ int nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_from_widget(GtkWidget *widget, nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { if ((nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location != -1) && (widget == GTK_WIDGET( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button))) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * \return toolbar item id from location when there is an item at that logical * location; else -1 */ nsgtk_toolbar_button nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, int i) { int q; for (q = BACK_BUTTON; q < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; q++) if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->location == i) return q; return -1; } /** * connect 'normal' handlers to toolbar buttons */ void nsgtk_toolbar_connect_all(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int q, i; for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { q = nsgtk_toolbar_get_id_at_location(g, i); if (q == -1) continue; if (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->button != NULL) g_signal_connect( nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, q)->button, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_scaffolding_toolbar_size_allocate ), g); nsgtk_toolbar_set_handler(g, q); } } /** * add handlers to factory widgets * \param g the scaffolding to attach handlers to * \param i the toolbar item id */ void nsgtk_toolbar_set_handler(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i) { switch(i){ case URL_BAR_ITEM: nsgtk_scaffolding_update_url_bar_ref(g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_urlbar(g)), "activate", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_window_url_activate_event), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_urlbar(g)), "changed", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_window_url_changed), g); break; case THROBBER_ITEM: nsgtk_scaffolding_update_throbber_ref(g); break; case WEBSEARCH_ITEM: nsgtk_scaffolding_update_websearch_ref(g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_websearch(g)), "activate", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_websearch_activate), g); g_signal_connect(GTK_WIDGET(nsgtk_scaffolding_websearch(g)), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK( nsgtk_websearch_clear), g); break; default: if ((nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->bhandler != NULL) && (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button != NULL)) g_signal_connect(nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)-> button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->bhandler), g); break; } } #define DATAHANDLER(p, q, r)\ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_##p##_button_data(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext\ *cont, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info, guint time,\ gpointer data)\ {\ r->currentbutton = q##_BUTTON;\ r->fromstore = true;\ return TRUE;\ }\ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_##p##_toolbar_button_data(GtkWidget *widget,\ GdkDragContext *cont, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info,\ guint time, gpointer data)\ {\ r->currentbutton = q##_BUTTON;\ r->fromstore = false;\ return TRUE;\ } DATAHANDLER(home, HOME, window) DATAHANDLER(forward, FORWARD, window) DATAHANDLER(back, BACK, window) DATAHANDLER(stop, STOP, window) DATAHANDLER(reload, RELOAD, window) DATAHANDLER(history, HISTORY, window) DATAHANDLER(newwindow, NEWWINDOW, window) DATAHANDLER(newtab, NEWTAB, window) DATAHANDLER(openfile, OPENFILE, window) DATAHANDLER(closetab, CLOSETAB, window) DATAHANDLER(closewindow, CLOSEWINDOW, window) DATAHANDLER(savepage, SAVEPAGE, window) DATAHANDLER(printpreview, PRINTPREVIEW, window) DATAHANDLER(print, PRINT, window) DATAHANDLER(quit, QUIT, window) DATAHANDLER(cut, CUT, window) DATAHANDLER(copy, COPY, window) DATAHANDLER(paste, PASTE, window) DATAHANDLER(delete, DELETE, window) DATAHANDLER(selectall, SELECTALL, window) DATAHANDLER(preferences, PREFERENCES, window) DATAHANDLER(zoomplus, ZOOMPLUS, window) DATAHANDLER(zoomminus, ZOOMMINUS, window) DATAHANDLER(zoomnormal, ZOOMNORMAL, window) DATAHANDLER(fullscreen, FULLSCREEN, window) DATAHANDLER(viewsource, VIEWSOURCE, window) DATAHANDLER(contents, CONTENTS, window) DATAHANDLER(about, ABOUT, window) DATAHANDLER(pdf, PDF, window) DATAHANDLER(plaintext, PLAINTEXT, window) DATAHANDLER(drawfile, DRAWFILE, window) DATAHANDLER(postscript, POSTSCRIPT, window) DATAHANDLER(find, FIND, window) DATAHANDLER(downloads, DOWNLOADS, window) DATAHANDLER(savewindowsize, SAVEWINDOWSIZE, window) DATAHANDLER(toggledebugging, TOGGLEDEBUGGING, window) DATAHANDLER(saveboxtree, SAVEBOXTREE, window) DATAHANDLER(savedomtree, SAVEDOMTREE, window) DATAHANDLER(localhistory, LOCALHISTORY, window) DATAHANDLER(globalhistory, GLOBALHISTORY, window) DATAHANDLER(addbookmarks, ADDBOOKMARKS, window) DATAHANDLER(showbookmarks, SHOWBOOKMARKS, window) DATAHANDLER(showcookies, SHOWCOOKIES, window) DATAHANDLER(openlocation, OPENLOCATION, window) DATAHANDLER(nexttab, NEXTTAB, window) DATAHANDLER(prevtab, PREVTAB, window) DATAHANDLER(guide, GUIDE, window) DATAHANDLER(info, INFO, window) #undef DATAHANDLER #define DATAHANDLER(p, q, r)\ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_##p##_button_data(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext\ *cont, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info, guint time,\ gpointer data)\ {\ r->currentbutton = q##_ITEM;\ r->fromstore = true;\ return TRUE;\ }\ gboolean nsgtk_toolbar_##p##_toolbar_button_data(GtkWidget *widget,\ GdkDragContext *cont, GtkSelectionData *selection, guint info,\ guint time, gpointer data)\ {\ r->currentbutton = q##_ITEM;\ r->fromstore = false;\ return TRUE;\ } DATAHANDLER(throbber, THROBBER, window) DATAHANDLER(websearch, WEBSEARCH, window) #undef DATAHANDLER /** * connect temporary handler for toolbar edit events */ void nsgtk_toolbar_temp_connect(nsgtk_scaffolding *g, nsgtk_toolbar_button i) { if ((i == URL_BAR_ITEM) || (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button == NULL) || (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->dataminus == NULL)) return; g_signal_connect(nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->button, "drag-data-get", G_CALLBACK(nsgtk_scaffolding_button( g, i)->dataminus), g); } /** * load toolbar settings from file; file is a set of fields arranged as * [itemreference];[itemlocation]|[itemreference];[itemlocation]| etc */ void nsgtk_toolbar_customization_load(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i, ii; char *val; char buffer[SLEN("11;|") * 2 * PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON]; /* numbers 0-99 */ buffer[0] = '\0'; char *buffer1, *subbuffer, *ptr = NULL, *pter = NULL; for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location = (i <= THROBBER_ITEM) ? i : -1; FILE *f = fopen(toolbar_indices_file_location, "r"); if (f == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), toolbar_indices_file_location); return; } val = fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, f); if (val == NULL) { LOG(("empty read toolbar settings")); } fclose(f); i = BACK_BUTTON; ii = BACK_BUTTON; buffer1 = strtok_r(buffer, "|", &ptr); while (buffer1 != NULL) { subbuffer = strtok_r(buffer1, ";", &pter); i = atoi(subbuffer); subbuffer = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &pter); ii = atoi(subbuffer); if ((i >= BACK_BUTTON) && (i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON) && (ii >= -1) && (ii < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON)) { nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location = ii; } buffer1 = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &ptr); } } /** * cast toolbar settings to all scaffoldings referenced from the global linked * list of gui_windows */ void nsgtk_toolbar_cast(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; nsgtk_scaffolding *list = scaf_list; for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) window->buttonlocations[i] = ((nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location >= -1) && (nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON)) ? nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location : -1; while (list) { if (list != g) for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) nsgtk_scaffolding_button(list, i)->location = window->buttonlocations[i]; list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(list); } } /** * save toolbar settings to file */ void nsgtk_toolbar_customization_save(nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { int i; FILE *f = fopen(toolbar_indices_file_location, "w"); if (f == NULL){ warn_user("gtkFileError", toolbar_indices_file_location); return; } for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { fprintf(f, "%d;%d|", i, nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i)->location); } fclose(f); }