  Creating a cross-compilation environment for RISC OS NetSurf

  | Note: If you want to do a native RISC OS build, on a RISC OS computer,
  |       consult the BUILDING-RISC_OS file.

  These instructions assume that you're starting from ~.
  They also assume that you've got GCCSDK's prerequisites installed.

  Building the toolchain

  Run the following commands.

      $ svn co svn://svn.riscos.info/gccsdk/trunk/ gccsdk

      $ cd gccsdk/gcc4

      $ ./build-world

      $ export GCCSDK_INSTALL_CROSSBIN=/home/riscos/cross/bin

      $ export GCCSDK_INSTALL_ENV=/home/riscos/env

  Creating the environment

  A. Autobuilder packages

      $ cd ../

      $ mkdir build-ab

      $ cat > build-ab/build-setvars

      $ cd build-ab

      $ ../autobuilder/build zlib1g

      $ ../autobuilder/build c-ares

      $ ../autobuilder/build libssl0.9.8

      $ ../autobuilder/build libcurl3

      $ ../autobuilder/build libjpeg62

      $ ../autobuilder/build liblcms1

      $ ../autobuilder/build libpng12-0

      $ ../autobuilder/build libmng1

      $ ../autobuilder/build oslib

  B. NetSurf libraries

  Install the NetSirf project's libraries as follows.

      $ cd ~

      $ svn co svn://svn.netsurf-browser.org/trunk netsurf

      $ (cd netsurf/libnsbmp ; make TARGET=riscos install)

      $ (cd netsurf/libnsgif ; make TARGET=riscos install)

      $ (cd netsurf/libsvgtiny ; make TARGET=riscos install)

      $ (cd netsurf/rufl ; make install)

      $ (cd netsurf/pencil ; make install)

      $ (cd netsurf/libharu ; make TARGET=riscos PREFIX=$GCCSDK_INSTALL_ENV)

      $ cd netsurf/libparserutils

      $ cat >Makefile.config.override

      $ make TARGET=riscos install

      $ cd ~

      $ (cd netsurf/hubbub ; make TARGET=riscos install)

      $ (cd netsurf/libwapcaplet ; make TARGET=riscos install)

      $ (cd netsurf/libcss ; make TARGET=riscos install)

  C. Ancilliary tools

      $ svn co svn://svn.riscos.info/ccres/trunk ccres

      $ (cd ccres ; make install)

      $ (cd netsurf/tools/makerun ; make install)

  Compiling NetSurf

  Finally, to cross-compile NetSurf for RISC OS, do the following.

      $ cd netsurf/netsurf

      $ make TARGET=riscos