/* * Copyright 2004 John M Bell <jmb202@ecs.soton.ac.uk> * Copyright 2004-2008 John Tytgat <joty@netsurf-browser.org> * Copyright 2007 James Bursa <bursa@users.sourceforge.net> * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** \file * Export a content as a DrawFile (implementation). */ #ifdef WITH_DRAW_EXPORT #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <oslib/draw.h> #include <oslib/osfile.h> #include <pencil.h> #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/types.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "riscos/bitmap.h" #include "riscos/gui.h" #include "riscos/save_draw.h" #include "riscos/font.h" static bool ro_save_draw_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const plot_style_t *style); static bool ro_save_draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const plot_style_t *style); static bool ro_save_draw_polygon(const int *p, unsigned int n, const plot_style_t *style); static bool ro_save_draw_path(const float *p, unsigned int n, colour fill, float width, colour c, const float transform[6]); static bool ro_save_draw_clip(const struct rect *clip); static bool ro_save_draw_text(int x, int y, const char *text, size_t length, const plot_font_style_t *fstyle); static bool ro_save_draw_disc(int x, int y, int radius, const plot_style_t *style); static bool ro_save_draw_arc(int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2, const plot_style_t *style); static bool ro_save_draw_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bitmap_flags_t flags); static bool ro_save_draw_group_start(const char *name); static bool ro_save_draw_group_end(void); static bool ro_save_draw_error(pencil_code code); static const struct plotter_table ro_save_draw_plotters = { .rectangle = ro_save_draw_rectangle, .line = ro_save_draw_line, .polygon = ro_save_draw_polygon, .clip = ro_save_draw_clip, .text = ro_save_draw_text, .disc = ro_save_draw_disc, .arc = ro_save_draw_arc, .bitmap = ro_save_draw_bitmap, .group_start = ro_save_draw_group_start, .group_end = ro_save_draw_group_end, .path = ro_save_draw_path, .option_knockout = false, }; static struct pencil_diagram *ro_save_draw_diagram; static int ro_save_draw_width; static int ro_save_draw_height; /** * Export a content as a DrawFile. * * \param h content to export * \param path path to save DrawFile as * \return true on success, false on error and error reported */ bool save_as_draw(hlcache_handle *h, const char *path) { pencil_code code; char *drawfile_buffer; struct rect clip; struct content_redraw_data data; size_t drawfile_size; os_error *error; struct redraw_context ctx = { .interactive = false, .background_images = true, .plot = &ro_save_draw_plotters }; ro_save_draw_diagram = pencil_create(); if (!ro_save_draw_diagram) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } ro_save_draw_width = content_get_width(h); ro_save_draw_height = content_get_height(h); clip.x0 = clip.y0 = INT_MIN; clip.x1 = clip.y1 = INT_MAX; data.x = 0; data.y = -ro_save_draw_height; data.width = ro_save_draw_width; data.height = ro_save_draw_height; data.background_colour = 0xFFFFFF; data.scale = 1; data.repeat_x = false; data.repeat_y = false; if (!content_redraw(h, &data, &clip, &ctx)) { pencil_free(ro_save_draw_diagram); return false; } /*pencil_dump(ro_save_draw_diagram);*/ code = pencil_save_drawfile(ro_save_draw_diagram, "NetSurf", &drawfile_buffer, &drawfile_size); if (code != pencil_OK) { warn_user("SaveError", 0); pencil_free(ro_save_draw_diagram); return false; } assert(drawfile_buffer); error = xosfile_save_stamped(path, osfile_TYPE_DRAW, (byte *) drawfile_buffer, (byte *) drawfile_buffer + drawfile_size); if (error) { LOG(("xosfile_save_stamped failed: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("SaveError", error->errmess); pencil_free(ro_save_draw_diagram); return false; } pencil_free(ro_save_draw_diagram); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const plot_style_t *style) { pencil_code code; const int path[] = { draw_MOVE_TO, x0 * 2, -y0 * 2 - 1, draw_LINE_TO, x1 * 2, -y0 * 2 - 1, draw_LINE_TO, x1 * 2, -y1 * 2 - 1, draw_LINE_TO, x0 * 2, -y1 * 2 - 1, draw_CLOSE_LINE, draw_END_PATH }; if (style->fill_type != PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) { code = pencil_path(ro_save_draw_diagram, path, sizeof path / sizeof path[0], style->fill_colour << 8, pencil_TRANSPARENT, 0, pencil_JOIN_MITRED, pencil_CAP_BUTT, pencil_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0, false, pencil_SOLID); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); } if (style->stroke_type != PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) { code = pencil_path(ro_save_draw_diagram, path, sizeof path / sizeof path[0], pencil_TRANSPARENT, style->stroke_colour << 8, style->stroke_width, pencil_JOIN_MITRED, pencil_CAP_BUTT, pencil_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0, false, pencil_SOLID); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); } return true; } bool ro_save_draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const plot_style_t *style) { pencil_code code; const int path[] = { draw_MOVE_TO, x0 * 2, -y0 * 2 - 1, draw_LINE_TO, x1 * 2, -y1 * 2 - 1, draw_END_PATH }; code = pencil_path(ro_save_draw_diagram, path, sizeof path / sizeof path[0], pencil_TRANSPARENT, style->stroke_colour << 8, style->stroke_width, pencil_JOIN_MITRED, pencil_CAP_BUTT, pencil_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0, false, pencil_SOLID); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_polygon(const int *p, unsigned int n, const plot_style_t *style) { pencil_code code; int path[n * 3 + 1]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { path[i * 3 + 0] = draw_LINE_TO; path[i * 3 + 1] = p[i * 2 + 0] * 2; path[i * 3 + 2] = -p[i * 2 + 1] * 2; } path[0] = draw_MOVE_TO; path[n * 3] = draw_END_PATH; code = pencil_path(ro_save_draw_diagram, path, n * 3 + 1, style->fill_colour << 8, pencil_TRANSPARENT, 0, pencil_JOIN_MITRED, pencil_CAP_BUTT, pencil_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0, false, pencil_SOLID); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_path(const float *p, unsigned int n, colour fill, float width, colour c, const float transform[6]) { if (n == 0) return true; if (p[0] != PLOTTER_PATH_MOVE) { LOG(("path doesn't start with a move")); return false; } int *path = malloc(sizeof *path * (n + 10)); if (!path) { LOG(("out of memory")); return false; } unsigned int i; bool empty_path = true; for (i = 0; i < n; ) { if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_MOVE) { path[i] = draw_MOVE_TO; path[i + 1] = (transform[0] * p[i + 1] + transform[2] * -p[i + 2] + transform[4]) * 2; path[i + 2] = (transform[1] * p[i + 1] + transform[3] * -p[i + 2] + -transform[5]) * 2; i += 3; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_CLOSE) { path[i] = draw_CLOSE_LINE; i++; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_LINE) { path[i] = draw_LINE_TO; path[i + 1] = (transform[0] * p[i + 1] + transform[2] * -p[i + 2] + transform[4]) * 2; path[i + 2] = (transform[1] * p[i + 1] + transform[3] * -p[i + 2] + -transform[5]) * 2; i += 3; empty_path = false; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_BEZIER) { path[i] = draw_BEZIER_TO; path[i + 1] = (transform[0] * p[i + 1] + transform[2] * -p[i + 2] + transform[4]) * 2; path[i + 2] = (transform[1] * p[i + 1] + transform[3] * -p[i + 2] + -transform[5]) * 2; path[i + 3] = (transform[0] * p[i + 3] + transform[2] * -p[i + 4] + transform[4]) * 2; path[i + 4] = (transform[1] * p[i + 3] + transform[3] * -p[i + 4] + -transform[5]) * 2; path[i + 5] = (transform[0] * p[i + 5] + transform[2] * -p[i + 6] + transform[4]) * 2; path[i + 6] = (transform[1] * p[i + 5] + transform[3] * -p[i + 6] + -transform[5]) * 2; i += 7; empty_path = false; } else { LOG(("bad path command %f", p[i])); free(path); return false; } } path[i] = draw_END_PATH; if (empty_path) { free(path); return true; } pencil_code code = pencil_path(ro_save_draw_diagram, path, i + 1, fill == NS_TRANSPARENT ? pencil_TRANSPARENT : fill << 8, c == NS_TRANSPARENT ? pencil_TRANSPARENT : c << 8, width, pencil_JOIN_MITRED, pencil_CAP_BUTT, pencil_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0, false, pencil_SOLID); free(path); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_clip(const struct rect *clip) { return true; } bool ro_save_draw_text(int x, int y, const char *text, size_t length, const plot_font_style_t *fstyle) { pencil_code code; const char *font_family; unsigned int font_size; rufl_style font_style; nsfont_read_style(fstyle, &font_family, &font_size, &font_style); code = pencil_text(ro_save_draw_diagram, x * 2, -y * 2, font_family, font_style, font_size, text, length, fstyle->foreground << 8); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_disc(int x, int y, int radius, const plot_style_t *style) { return true; } bool ro_save_draw_arc(int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2, const plot_style_t *style) { return true; } bool ro_save_draw_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bitmap_flags_t flags) { pencil_code code; const uint8_t *buffer; buffer = bitmap_get_buffer(bitmap); if (!buffer) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } code = pencil_sprite(ro_save_draw_diagram, x * 2, (-y - height) * 2, width * 2, height * 2, ((char *) bitmap->sprite_area) + bitmap->sprite_area->first); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_group_start(const char *name) { pencil_code code; code = pencil_group_start(ro_save_draw_diagram, name); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } bool ro_save_draw_group_end(void) { pencil_code code; code = pencil_group_end(ro_save_draw_diagram); if (code != pencil_OK) return ro_save_draw_error(code); return true; } /** * Report an error from pencil. * * \param code error code * \return false */ bool ro_save_draw_error(pencil_code code) { LOG(("code %i", code)); switch (code) { case pencil_OK: assert(0); break; case pencil_OUT_OF_MEMORY: warn_user("NoMemory", 0); break; case pencil_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR: warn_user("SaveError", rufl_fm_error->errmess); break; case pencil_FONT_NOT_FOUND: case pencil_IO_ERROR: case pencil_IO_EOF: warn_user("SaveError", "generating the DrawFile failed"); break; } return false; } #endif