You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
503 lines
16 KiB
503 lines
16 KiB
#include "utils/url.h"
#include "utils/nsurl.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "utils/corestrings.h"
#include "utils/nsurl.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "content/fetch.h"
#include "content/fetchers.h"
#include "content/fetchers/httplib_kolibri.h"
#include "frontends/kolibrios/kolibri_http.h"
#include <assert.h>
struct httpfetcher {
struct http_msg *handle;
struct fetch *owner;
nsurl *url;
bool headercbdone;
unsigned int datalen_cb_done;
struct httpfetcher *next;
static struct httpfetcher *head = NULL;
static void add_to_poll(struct httpfetcher *newfetcher) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "(head:0x%x) newfetcher 0x%x, newfetcher->handle 0x%x", head, newfetcher, newfetcher->handle);
struct httpfetcher *t = head;
while(t) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "ll node = 0x%x, ->next 0x%x", t, t->next);
if(head == NULL) {
head = newfetcher;
assert(head->next == NULL);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "(head:0x%x) ADDED newfetcher 0x%x, newfetcher->handle 0x%x", head, head, head->handle);
else {
t = head;
while(t->next != NULL) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "-- Looping t 0x%x, t->handle 0x%x", t->next, t->next->handle);
t = t->next;
t->next = newfetcher;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "(head:0x%x) ADDED newfetcher 0x%x, newfetcher->handle 0x%x, nn 0x%x", head, t->next, t->next->handle, t->next->next);
static struct httpfetcher* remove_from_poll(struct httpfetcher *removee) {
struct httpfetcher *t = head, *p = head;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "(head=0x%x), remove: 0x%x , removee->handle: 0x%x", head, removee, removee->handle);
while(t) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "BEFORE REMOVE ll node = 0x%x, next 0x%x", t, t->next);
t = head;
while(t) {
if (t == removee) {
if(t == head) {
p = t->next;
head = p;
return head;
else {
p->next = t->next;
return t->next;
p = t;
t = t->next;
return head;
static bool init_fetcher(lwc_string *scheme) {
bool supported_scheme;
assert(lwc_string_isequal(scheme, corestring_lwc_http, &supported_scheme) == lwc_error_ok);
NSLOG(fetch, INFO, "Initializing http library!");
debug_board_printf("---- [NETSURF] Trying to initialize http library.\n");
if(kolibri_http_init() == 0) {
NSLOG(fetch, INFO, "[INFO] Loaded http.obj library successfully.\n");
debug_board_printf("---- [NETSURF] Successfully initialized http library.\n");
else {
NSLOG(fetch, ERROR, "Could not load http.obj library.\n");
debug_board_printf("---- [NETSURF] Could not initialize http library. Exiting.\n");
return false;
return supported_scheme;
static bool supported_url_check(const struct nsurl *url) {
bool supported;
lwc_string *url_scheme = nsurl_get_component(url, NSURL_SCHEME);
assert(lwc_string_isequal(url_scheme, corestring_lwc_http, &supported) == lwc_error_ok);
return supported;
static void *setup_fetch(struct fetch *parent_fetch, struct nsurl *url,
bool only_2xx, bool downgrade_tls, const char *post_urlenc,
const struct fetch_multipart_data *post_multipart,
const char **headers) {
struct http_msg* request = NULL;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "[SETUP] Our target URL: %s", nsurl_access(url));
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "[SETUP] POST urlencoded data: %s", post_urlenc);
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; headers[i] != NULL; i++)
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "[SETUP] -- Headers : %s", headers[i]);
if(post_multipart != NULL) {
struct fetch_multipart_data *printer = post_multipart;
while(printer != NULL) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Multipart POST : (%s = %s)\n", printer->name, printer->value);
/* debug_board_printf("Multipart POST : (%s = %s)\n", printer->name, printer->value); */
printer = printer->next;
char *boundary = "--------Netsurf------------KolibriOS----Multipart----";
int lenb = strlen(boundary);
char *contenttype = "multipart/form-data; boundary=--------Netsurf------------KolibriOS----Multipart----";
/* Intermediate boundaries have 2 additional dashes at the beginning */
char *iboundary = "----------Netsurf------------KolibriOS----Multipart----";
char *content = NULL;
int contentlen = 0;
printer = post_multipart;
while(printer != NULL) {
int leninc = strlen(iboundary) + 2 + strlen("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=") + 1 + strlen(printer->name) + 1 + 2 + 2 + strlen(printer->value) + 2;
printer = printer -> next;
/* Space for last boundary (which has 2 empty boundary dashes) and CRLF */
contentlen += strlen(iboundary) + 2 + 2;
/* Space for terminating NULL */
contentlen += 1;
content = realloc(content, contentlen);
char *tmp = content;
/* debug_board_printf("Before Loop tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
printer = post_multipart;
while(printer != NULL) {
int i = 0;
strcpy(tmp, iboundary);
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
*tmp++ = '\r';
*tmp++ = '\n';
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
strcpy(tmp, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");
tmp+= strlen("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
strcpy(tmp, printer->name);
tmp += strlen(printer->name);
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
*tmp++ = '"';
*tmp++ = '\r';
*tmp++ = '\n';
*tmp++ = '\r';
*tmp++ = '\n';
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
strcpy(tmp, printer->value);
tmp += strlen(printer->value);
/* debug_board_printf("tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
*tmp++ = '\r';
*tmp++ = '\n';
/* debug_board_printf("END OF LOOP tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
printer = printer->next;
/* debug_board_printf("AFTER LOOP tmp = %u, content=%u\n", tmp, content); */
strcpy(tmp, iboundary);
strcpy(tmp, "--");
*tmp++ = '\r';
*tmp++ = '\n';
/* debug_board_printf("TERMINATING NULL tmp = %u\n", tmp); */
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Multipart request content length : %d", contentlen);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Multipart request content: %s", content);
request = http_post_asm(nsurl_access(url), NULL, 1<<8, *headers, contenttype, contentlen - 1);
if(request != NULL) {
int datasent = 0;
/* debug_board_printf("--- Sending data : %s with length %u\n", content, contentlen); */
/* LOG("--- Sending data : with length %u\n", contentlen); */
datasent = http_send_asm(request, content, contentlen - 1);
/* debug_board_printf("--- Sent %d bytes of data.\n", datasent); */
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Sent %d bytes of multipart post data.\n", datasent);
else if(post_urlenc) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "http_post: %s", nsurl_access(url));
request = http_post_asm(nsurl_access(url), NULL, 0, *headers, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strlen(post_urlenc));
if(request != NULL) {
int datasent = 0;
/* Send all the data here itself. Move this later to polling maybe. */
/* debug_board_printf("--- Sending data : %s with length %u\n", post_urlenc, strlen(post_urlenc)); */
datasent = http_send_asm(request, post_urlenc, strlen(post_urlenc));
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Sent %d bytes of urlencoded data.\n", datasent);
else {
/* Do a GET */
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "http_get: %s", nsurl_access(url));
request = http_get_asm(nsurl_access(url), NULL, 0, *headers);
if(request == NULL) {
NSLOG(fetch, ERROR, "Failed to allocate http buffer. Could be multiple reasons for failure (like DNS resolution)", request);
return NULL;
/* This assert is tricky beacause the http library may fail when it fails to resolve the hostname.
There is no sane way to understand that the hostname is wrong or needs to be fixed.
assert leads to a crash for no reason. Disabling it, and the code should handle this from now.
Returning NuLL from here should just force a BadURL to the user.
struct httpfetcher *newfetcher = (struct httpfetcher *) malloc(sizeof(struct httpfetcher));
newfetcher->next = NULL;
newfetcher->handle = request;
newfetcher->url = url;
newfetcher->headercbdone = false;
newfetcher->owner = parent_fetch;
newfetcher->datalen_cb_done = 0;
return newfetcher;
static bool start_fetch(void *httpf) {
assert(((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->owner != NULL);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "httpf: 0x%x", httpf);
add_to_poll((struct httpfetcher *) httpf);
struct httpfetcher *wrapper = httpf;
assert(((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->owner != NULL);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "END OF add_to_poll: httpf: 0x%x, httpf->handle 0x%x, httpf->next 0x%x", wrapper, wrapper->handle, wrapper->next);
return true;
static bool abort_fetch(void *httpf) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "aborting httpf 0x%x, httpf->handle 0x%x, httpf->next 0x%x", ((struct httpfetcher *)httpf), ((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->handle, ((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->next);
fetch_remove_from_queues(((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->owner);
fetch_free(((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->owner);
return true;
static void free_fetch(void *httpf) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "free_fetch httpf 0x%x", ((struct httpfetcher *)httpf));
http_disconnect_asm((((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->handle));
http_free_asm((((struct httpfetcher *)httpf)->handle));
free((struct httpfetcher *)httpf);
static void poll_fetch(lwc_string *scheme) {
bool supported_scheme;
assert(lwc_string_isequal(scheme, corestring_lwc_http, &supported_scheme) == lwc_error_ok);
struct httpfetcher *t = head;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "poller head = 0x%x", t);
while(t != NULL) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "-- Polling for t 0x%x, http_msg 0x%x, fetch 0x%x [ hcbdone = %s ]", t, t->handle, t->owner, t->headercbdone == true ? "true" : "false");
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- http_msg struct at : %x", t->handle);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Header starts at : %x", &(t->handle->http_header));
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Header Length: %d", t->handle->header_length);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Content starts at : %x", &(t->handle->content_ptr));
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- Content Length (received / total): %d / %d", t->handle->content_received, t->handle->content_length);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "--- ^ was for url : %s", nsurl_access(t->url));
int ret = http_receive_asm(t->handle);
if(t->handle->flags & HTTP_ERRORS) {
fetch_msg msg;
msg.type = FETCH_ERROR;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- http_msg -> flags = 0x%x", t->handle->flags);
| = (const uint8_t *) "HTTPLIB ERROR";
| = strlen("HTTPLIB ERROR");
struct httpfetcher *t2 = remove_from_poll(t);
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t->headercbdone = true;
t = t2;
if(t->headercbdone == false) {
if (t->handle->flags & HTTP_GOT_HEADER) {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- Received all HTTP Headers.");
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- response status code = %d", t->handle->status);
fetch_set_http_code(t->owner, t->handle->status);
if(t->handle->status >= 200 && t->handle->status < 300) {
fetch_msg msg;
int plen = 0;
char *ptr = &(t->handle->http_header);
while(plen < t->handle->header_length) {
int j = plen;
for(;;j++) {
if(*(ptr + j) == '\r')
msg.type = FETCH_HEADER;
| = (const uint8_t *)(ptr + plen);
| = j - plen;
char *xx = (char *) malloc(j - plen + 1);
strncpy(xx, ptr + plen, j-plen);
xx[j-plen] = '\0';
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Headerline: %s", xx);
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
plen = j + 2;
t->headercbdone = true;
else if(t->handle->status >= 300 && t->handle->status < 400) {
if(t->handle->status == 304) {
fetch_msg msg;
struct httpfetcher *t2 = remove_from_poll(t);
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t = t2;
else {
fetch_msg msg;
int lenloc = 0;
char *tmp = http_find_header_field_asm(t->handle, "location");
while(!isspace(*(tmp + lenloc))) lenloc++;
msg.type = FETCH_REDIRECT;
char *newlocation = malloc(lenloc + 1);
strncpy(newlocation, tmp, lenloc);
| = newlocation;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- [3xx] : Redirect to %s",;
struct httpfetcher *t2 = remove_from_poll(t);
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t->headercbdone = true;
t = t2;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- DID [3xx] : Redirect to %s",;
/* t = t->next; */
/* t = head; */
else {
fetch_msg msg;
msg.type = FETCH_ERROR;
NSLOG(fetch, ERROR, " ---- Unhandled HTTP Code : %d", t->handle->status);
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t->headercbdone = true;
struct httpfetcher *t2 = remove_from_poll(t);
t = t2;
/* t = t->next; */
/* t = head; */
else {
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- Headers not received yet.");
else if(ret == -1) {
/* If data was received send it to netsurf core with FETCH_DATA */
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Calledback vs received : %u vs %u!", t->datalen_cb_done, t->handle->content_received);
if(t->handle->content_received > t->datalen_cb_done) {
fetch_msg msg;
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Doing a data callback\n");
msg.type = FETCH_DATA;
| = (const uint8_t *) (t->handle->content_ptr + t->datalen_cb_done);
| = t->handle->content_received - t->datalen_cb_done;
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t->datalen_cb_done = t->handle->content_received;
else if(ret == 0) {
if(t->handle->content_received > t->datalen_cb_done) {
/* Callback any remaining data before finishing off */
fetch_msg msg;
msg.type = FETCH_DATA;
| = (const uint8_t *) (t->handle->content_ptr + t->datalen_cb_done);
| = t->handle->content_received - t->datalen_cb_done;
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
t->datalen_cb_done = t->handle->content_received;
fetch_msg msg;
msg.type = FETCH_FINISHED;
| = NULL;
| = 0;
fetch_send_callback(&msg, t->owner);
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "---- FETCH_FINISHED for fetch 0x%x", t->owner);
/* t = head; */
struct httpfetcher *t2 = remove_from_poll(t);
t = t2;
/* t = next; */
NSLOG(fetch, DEBUG, "Main loop: t going from 0x%x to 0x%x", t->owner, t->next != NULL ? t->next->owner : NULL);
t = t->next;
static void finalize_fetcher(lwc_string *scheme) {
bool supported_scheme;
assert(lwc_string_isequal(scheme, corestring_lwc_http, &supported_scheme) == lwc_error_ok);
static struct fetcher_operation_table fetcher_ops = {
.initialise = init_fetcher,
.acceptable = supported_url_check,
.setup = setup_fetch,
.start = start_fetch,
.abort = abort_fetch,
.free = free_fetch,
.poll = poll_fetch,
.finalise = finalize_fetcher
nserror fetch_httplib_kolibri_register(void) {
lwc_string *scheme = lwc_string_ref(corestring_lwc_http);
return fetcher_add(scheme, &fetcher_ops);