35 lines
812 B
35 lines
812 B
var tree = (this ===window)
var string = "50";
console.log(string + 100); // 50100
console.log(+string + 100); // 150
string = parseInt(string, 10);
console.log(string + 100); // 150
var binary = parseInt("110010", 2);
console.log(binary); // 50
function doSomething(param) {
param = param.toUpperCase(); // param is now a local variable
var string = "test";
/* note that string will be passed in by reference */
doSomething(string); // TEST
console.log(string); // test
document.write("<p>Hello World!<p>");
<script>document.write("<scr" +"ipt>document.write(\"Goodbye Cruel World\");</scri" + "pt>");</script>